There are currently over 30 ongoing Sign Language Projects facilitated by national Bible Societies around the world and more are in the planning stages.
Deaf Bible Learn (DBL) exists to provide an online place where Deaf people can find ASL videos to learn more about the Bible. You can search by books of the Bible, by the Old Testament, or by the New Testament. DBL…
A Complete Bible for Deaf People The American Sign Language Version (ALSV) was primarily translated by Deaf people, for Deaf people and featured 53 different translators. The ASLV Bible speaks directly to Deaf people in…
“Deaf Bible Society provides free access to Bible translations by video in 25+ sign languages. We connect the Deaf community by training leaders to establish Deaf Bible Together groups. And our Deaf Church Where…
Sign up for free access to basic Auslan digital resources – Auslan is Australian sign language. Provided by Bible Society Australia. makes it easy for you to read, study, and share God’s Word with friends and family around the globe. With over 1,800 languages, read the Bible text, hear the Bible in audio or see the Bible in sign…
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