Bible Discovery is a daily program that takes viewers through the Bible in one year from Genesis to Revelation! Hosted by the Hembree family, Bible Discovery TV is a 30-minute daily devotional show where Rod, Janice, Ryan…
Connect with God daily with guided meditation and prayer. Find Bible study plans that work for you, develop spiritual routines, and deepen your relationship with God. Explore the Bible from Genesis through to Revelation…
Read The Bible in the language of Zambia, with Bible reader, Bible audios, and Jesus films. Bible reader in Bemba, Tonga, Ila, Mambwe-Lungu, Nsenga, Lunda Ndembu, Lenje, Lozi, Luvale, Lala-Bisa, Nkoya, Mbunda, Chokwe, and…
The Center for Bible Engagement exists to help people you serve be engaged with the Bible daily. CBE’s passion is to use the latest technology to reach the world with the life-transforming power of God’s Word.
The BeEngaged digital church products from The Center for Bible Engagement exists to help people you serve be engaged with the Bible daily.
Museum of the Bible is an innovative, global, educational institution whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the history, narrative and impact of the Bible. Located in Washington, DC.
“Memorize Scripture. Learn its context. Via daily texts. We use brain science to help you write Scripture on the tablet of your heart via daily text messages.”
Illuminate is a Bible reader that puts artificial intelligence at your fingertips to answer any question you have. Illuminate’s information is powered by ChatGPT, a groundbreaking artifical intelligence model based…
“BibleGen aims to make the Bible accessible to everyone and share the word of God. BibleGen provides a contemporary interface to help those who struggle with traditionally designed sites or people who are new to…
Premier Digital Bible Map Resources Free, high-quality, digital Bible maps? Visit the Blog! An online tool to find Bible places & photos? Try WebViewer! Software to make your own custom maps? Try Bible Mapper! An…
Prayer website of the Thailand Bible Society.…
Access the Bible reader in these languages: Burunge, Kizalamo, Luguru, Ndamba, Nyakyusa-Ngonde, Swahili, Shimwela, Chividunda, Kutu, Makua, Ngindo, Ngindo, Vwanji, Kinga, Kwere, Matumbi, Ngulu, Shimakonde, and Zigula.…
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