“Assure is a growing strategic alliance of organizations collaborating and innovating in technologies, techniques, and digital resources needed to improve Bible translation quality and efficiency.”
Adapt It is a free open source translation editor that is used to quickly translate between related languages. We seek to create, as a community, an application that will run on all major platforms and facilitate…
Bible Translation Software for the World – From studying and drafting, through checking and revising, and on to publication, Paratext supports translating God’s Word into the heart languages of people…
Bible Translation Tools is an online repository for open-licensed translation software. Contributors from all over the world have built software and systems to enable the Global Church to translate scripture for itself.…
This website provides translation processes, resources and tools to help you make God’s Word available in multiple forms (written, oral, visual, or tactile). Developed by Wycliffe Associates and partners to provide…
Clear is accelerating the faithful translation of Scripture until all people can access God’s Word in their own language. Clear serves Great Commission organizations by giving Bible translators visibility into the…
Get a complete picture of Bible translation—in one place. Gathering and sharing data to get the word of God into the hands of every person.
Translation.bible features articles that share about the work of Bible translation, including stories like: how translation consultants train translators with quality in mind and news about scholarly tools for the study…
For All Things Bible is showcasing useful and interesting Bible websites on the internet. Read more.