Fastest Bible on the Internet

Since our beginning, the .BIBLE top-level domain (TLD) partnered with YouVersion, the maker of the Bible App, to fulfill our respective missions. One of the projects is providing the fastest Bible on the internet by making available fast-loading AMP pages for every Bible verse. (Every Bible verse is optimized for search engines and designed to load as fast as possible using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) specifications.)

Accelerating Every Book of the Bible Online

To make it easy to remember and to access, users can add the .BIBLE ending to any book of the Bible. And, voila, before you can say Mississippi, there’s the Bible on your web browser. Here’s the 66 books of the Bible in alphabetical order:

Sharing from the Bible App on Social Media

You may have noticed .BIBLE verses being shared on social media, too. When you use the YouVersion Bible app, that directly links users to these fast-loading Bible verses. For example, here are the latest tweets with


Can we be honest? This is not an easy question to answer. There are 2 major ecosystems for mobile devices, iOS and Android, and not every app is developed for both OSes. Most people just use one of these…

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Welcome to the Forallthings.Bible website, where we are showcasing a curated collection of Bible websites that are useful and engaging. There are undoubtedly thousands of Bible websites on the internet, and if we were to…

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That's the question we were trying to answer when our team was thinking about the vast digital space of the internet. There are nearly 1.2 billion websites on the internet. As useful as search engines have become for a…

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For All Things Bible is showcasing useful and interesting Bible websites on the internet. Read more.
